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来源:师范人教师招聘网 时间:2020-03-29 作者:大吕 浏览量:

 2020全国教师招聘信息汇总  2020青海教师招聘信息汇总  2020西宁教师招聘信息汇总 



1. It’s nearly seven o’clock

.  --- I don't mind telling you what I know.

  --- You             . I'm not asking you for it. 

   A. mustn't         B. may not       C. can't          D. needn’t

2. I ____ pay Tracy a visit, but I am not sure whether I will have time this Sunday.

    A. should         B. might          C. would          D. could

3. --- I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.

--- You________ her last week. 

    A.ought to tell  B.would have told  C.must tell    D.should have told

4. Children under 12 years of age in that country ________ be under adult supervision when is a public library.  

   A. must            B. may            C. can            D. need

5.He paid for a seat, when he ______ have entered free.

   A. could          B. would          C. must             D. need

6. --- I've taken someone else's green sweater by mistake.

   --- It ______ Hurry’s. He always wears green.

   A. has to be            B. will be           C. mustn't be        D. could be

7.There _________ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school.

   A. mustn’t         B. shan’t        C. shouldn’t     D. needn’t

8. The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it _________be very slow.

    A.should         B.must           C.will               D.can

9.--The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.

---Oh, dear! She _______ a lot of difficulties!

    A. may go through                       B. might go through

C. ought to have gone through             D. must have gone through

10.My Mp4 player isn’t in my bag. Where ________ I have put it?

   A can’t     B must    C sh ould    D would  


Never forget your school friends

    June is always a sad time for Senior 3 students. After taking the big test, they leave

to    11  their dreams in different  12  . It's a hard time when students __13_

to say goodbye to carefree (无忧无虑的) high school days and close friends.

People always say that teenage friendships are the most precious. Kids are too young to understand   14  friendship while adults  15  to relate it to fame and wealth.

    Things are   16  with high school best friends. We share each other's  17  . We discuss news from all walks of life and begin to  18 our values. We support each other on the journey to the biggest  19  in our lives. We also  20   success and failure. The seeds of friendship become deeply rooted. Many of us don't realize this  21  we enter society. One of my friends, Yang Ping,   22   how strong the bond (联系) with high school friends can be. "It was my high school friend who helped me  23  the darkest days in my life," said the 27-year-old.In 2001 Yang lost her job in Beijing. Yang's best friend was staying in a college dormitory and took her in. Each night the two girls squeezed (挤) into a narrow single bed, chatting and crying. "I'll never forget her care and encouragement, which  24  me out of the darkness," said Yang.

I 25   remember my last days in Senior 3. At the time, I   26  a 20-page

message with my best friend, both of us hoping to keep the friendship  27 forever.

    But we didn't realize we were already deep in each other's   28   . During the past 10 years, whenever I've needed help or wanted to pour out my  29   , she has always been there at the other end of a telephone line.

    It is true that friends come and go. But never forget the ones who have been there for you. Take a closer look at those now around you, they could be the most precious treasure you discover in your entire  30 .

11. A. realize       B. create        C. perform        D. finish

12. A. directions   B. ways         C. means          D. relations

13. A. decide       B. volunteer    C. have            D. began

14. A. honest       B. correct       C. true               D. real

15. A. attempt      B. tend           C. plan              D. manage

16. A. similar       B. same           C. like              D. different

17. A. wealth       B. money        C. secrets        D. housework

18. A. weigh        B. make         C. measure        D. shape

19. A. challenge    B. trouble      C. question       D. problem

20. A. face          B. share            C. expect         D. stand

21. A. unless       B. after            C. until             D. but

22. A. experienced  B. understood   C. considered     D. thought

23. A. live through B. pull through  C. get through     D.look through

24. A. held           B. lifted              C. raised         D. supported

25. A. yet             B. even              C. still          D. already

26. A. changed      B. exchanged    C. turned         D. discussed

27. A. running      B. going            C. advancing      D. marching

28. A. head          B. brain                 C. spirit         D. heart

29. A. unhappi ness  B. happiness    C. disaster       D. joy

30. A. period       B. life                 C. work           D. study


     A listener has written from China for advice about how to lose weight. Michael in Shanghai says he is 26 and has battled obesity for most of his life.

     Obesity, a severe weight problem, is a complex condition. A doctor may advise taking medicine along with changing one’s behaviors. Experts say that the most successful weight—loss plans include a well-balanced diet and exercise.

    Obesity, a severe weight problem, is a complex condition. A doctor may advise taking medicine along with changing one’s behaviors. Experts say that the most successful weight—loss plans include a well-balanced diet and exercise.

     People who want to avoid weight gain have to balance the number of calories they eat with the number of calories they use. To lose weight, you can reduce the number of calories you take in, increase the number you use, or both.

    A recent study looked at four of the most popular dieting plans in the US. Researchers at Stanford University in California studied over 300 overweight women, mostly in their thirties and forties. Each woman went on one of the four plans: Atkins, The Zone, Ornish or LEARN. The women at tended diet classes and received written information about the food plans.

At the end of the year, the women on the Atkins diet had lost the most, more than four and one-half kilograms on average. They also did better on tests for cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

    Christopher Gardner, who led the study, says the Atkins diet may be more successful because of its simple message to eat less sugar. He also says that the advice to increase protein in the diet leads to more satisfying meals. He says that there was not enough money to study men, but that men would probably have similar results.

    Last week, another report based on thirty-one studies suggested that only a small minority of people have long-term success with dieting. Most dieters regained their lost weight within five years and often they become more overweight. But those who kept the weight off generally were the ones who exercised.

Title: 1.___________to lose weight

Doctors’ advice

●:take medicine along with 2._____________


Experts’ 3._________ plans

●a well-balanced diet : 4.________less energy than needed , increase the number you use, or both.


Four of the most popular dieting plans in the US

●Atkins: eat less sugar than usual and 6.________ protein in the diet

●The Zone



From 8.__________

●have long-term success with dieting, otherwise most dieters will 9._____their lost weight

●exercise is more important than dieting for 10.______




1—5 CCDBC  6—10 CABBD


11—15CABBD  16—20ADCAC  21—25BCBBD  26—30CDABD


1.sadness    2.depression    3.hide    4.honest    5.okay     6.loss of pleasure 

7.death        8. rare/uncommon     9.seriously         10.professional help












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